"Changed College Says Warm Goodbye." The Charlotte Observer, 2004.
- Title
- "Changed College Says Warm Goodbye." The Charlotte Observer, 2004.
- Description
- Excerpt of article honoring Lula Bell Houston's retirement in 2004, including an image of Lula Bell at her retirement party.
- Creator
- Davidson T. Foster III.
- Date
- 2004.
- Text
- Title: "Changed college says warm goodbye." The caption of the image reads: "Lula Bell Houston (facing) gets a hug from Laura Jackson during her retirement party in front of the Davidson College laundry facility Thursday afternoon. Houston is retiring after working 56 years in the Davidson College laundry."
- Language
- English.
- Source
- The Maggie Smith Scrapbook, Davidson College Archives.
- Subject
- Lula Bell Houston retirement.
- Item sets
- Laundry Staff.
- Site pages
- Laundry History
Part of "Changed College Says Warm Goodbye." The Charlotte Observer, 2004.