In this excerpt from President John Kuykendall's 1997 commencement speech, he honors retiring staff members, including two laundry employees; Juanita Archie and Frances Beaver.
In this excerpt from President John Kuykendall's 1992 commencement speech, he honors retiring staff members, including three laundry employees; Harry L. Johnson, Walter E. Johnson and Beatrice C. Ponder.
This list of laundry staff from the 1988 Davidson College Sesquicentennial Convocation includes the names of currently employed Laundry staff. If staff have been employed for over 20 years, their years of service are denoted by a series of symbols. The black dot means 25-30 years of service, the cross means 30-40 years, the star is 40-50 years and the two barred cross is more than 50 years.
Davidson College president Carol Quillen greets Lula Bell Houston at the dedication of the Lula Bell Houston Resource Center. From "Resource, Gathering Place and Community Inspiration: Welcome to Lula Bell's," Davidson News, 2017.
Image of laundry staff from the 1991 Quips and Cranks Yearbook. The caption for this image reads: Juanita Archie, Juanita Barker, Ruth Barnette, Frances Beaver, Ganell Bradford, Alice Brandon, Betty Brown, Robert Donaldson, Cecilia Forney, Dianne Forney, Dorothy Gurley, Lula Bell Houston, Donald Humphrey, Frank Johnson, Harry Johnson, Walter Johnson, Hazeline Knox, Mary Lineberger, Lavonne Payne, Bill Philemon, Beatrice Ponder, Laura Roberson, Denise Wilson.
Image of the laundry staff from the 1988 Quips and Cranks yearbook. Caption reads: Juanita Archie, Juanita Barker, Ruth Barnette, Betty Brown, Alice Brandon, Cecelia Connor, Robert Donaldson, Dianne Forney, Henry Gabriel, Betty Gosnell, Dorothy Gurley, Dessie Honeycutt, Lula Houston, Donald Humphrey, Harry Johnson, Walter Johnson, Hazeline Knox, Mary Lineberger, William Philemon, Jr., Beatrice Ponder, Denise Sloan.
John M. Spratt, Jr., alumni of Davidson College, speaks about Lula Bell Houston after her retirement in the "extended remarks" section of the May 13, 2004 meeting of the House of Representatives.
Image of the Davidson College laundry staff from the 1992 Quips and Cranks yearbook.
Row 1: Denise Sloan, Beatrice Ponder, Hazeline Knox, Mary Lineberger.
Row 2: Donald Humphrey, Celia Forney, Ganelle Bradford, Juanita Archie, Betty Gosnell.
Row 3: Robert Donaldson, Walter Johnson, Lenora Roberson, Frances Beaver, Ruth Barnette.
This excerpt from the 1988 Commencement lists laundry staff at Davidson College. For the long term employees, it also shows how long they had worked at the laundry as of 12/31/87 designated by a symbol.
Key for symbols next to staff names:
The circle designates 25 to 30 years of employment.
The cross designates 30 to 40 years of employment.
The star designates 40 to 50 years of employment.
The vertical line with two horizontal lines designates more than 50 years of employment.
Members of the Davidson College Laundry from 1986. On the far left of the image sitting is Lula Bell Houston. On the far right sitting is Juanita Archie.