Welcome to Queer, Black, Intersectional Davidson: An Archival Project!

This project began as an independent study under advisor Dr. Melissa Gonzalez (Gender and Sexuality Studies Department). The intention of the project was to create and maintain an archival history of the lived experiences of queer Black students at Davidson. If you have anything you believe should be preserved pertaining to the College and the queer Black experience, feel free to email burdicklm@gmail.com and we will get it added. 

Special thanks to those on campus who guided my research: Georgia Ringle, Dr. Domingue, and Reverend Rob Spach. Additional special thanks to those willing to have their stories recorded and preserved. This project would be incomplete without your narratives. I really appreciate you all taking the time and energy to speak your truths.

Finally, thank you to Dr. Gonzalez for being my adviser throughout this project.
