2015–2019 Timeline

2015–2019 Timeline Items

  • White Fragility: Why it’s so Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
    In this book, DiAngelo works to understand racism not just as something for 'bad people,' but instead thinks about racism in terms of power structures. DiAngelo attempts to disect the ways that white people internalize their whiteness and protect their privilege in an attempt to get people to engage with racism in a constructive way.This book is held in print by the Davidson College Library.
  • Black. Queer. Southern. Women : an oral history
    This book is a compilation of oral histories collected by E. Patrick Johnson of queer black women in the South and their experiences. It uses the oral histories to encourage the reader to think about what it means to navigate territory taken from indigenous people and worked by African slaves in a queer and black body.This book can be obtained through Inter Library Loan through the Davidson College Library. It is not held by the College.
  • Beyond Respectability: The Intellectual Thought of Race Women
    In this work, Cooper attempts to answer the question, "what does it mean and what has it meant to be a Black female intellectual?" The book constructs an "intellectual genealogy" of the ideas produced by race women and an "intellectualy geography" that maps the deliberate ways Black women chose to take up intellectual and physical space.This book is available electronically through the Davidson College Library.
  • Black Geographic Possibilities: On a Queer Black South
    In this work, Eaves "focuses on the ways that Black subjects undertake space-making practices within a specific set of circumstances and expands Black spatial possibilities, thereby enabling inquiry and resisting homogeneity." Eaves strives to disrupt "traditional trajectories" of imagined Southern geographies by "centralizing Black subjects as crucial to spatial knowledge."This work is available through jstor here: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/26367644
  • Show Of Solidarity For Gay Davidson College Student Prohibited From Flying Rainbow Pride Flag
  • Why are people proud of being white?
  • Milo
    The whole comment line constituted 91 images. Contact the archivist for the remaining 61 images.
  • It's okay to be white
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