1985–1989 Timeline

1985–1989 Timeline Items

  • Student Recruitment
  • Black Feminist Theory and the Representation of the ‘Other'
    In her article, Smith explains that Black Feminist Theory includes "a way of reading inscriptions of race (particularly but not exclusively blackness), gender (particularly but not exclusively womanhood), and class in modes of cultural expression." She uses this framework to read and interpret relationships between different people - a relational interpretation characterized by lived experiences.This book is available in print through the Davidson College Library.
  • Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics
    In this work, Crenshaw uses legal cases specifically to address intersectionality. She centers her work on the experiences of black women, making the argument that only through understandings of marginalization at an intersectional level can justice be served through the legal system - black women experience discrimination on both racist and sexist levels at the same time, and Crenshaw wants to challenge the idea that "in race discrimination cases, discrimination tends to be viewed in terms of sex- or class-privileged Blacks; in sex discrimination cases, the focus is on race- and class-privileged women" because "this focus on the most privileged group members marginalizes those who are multiply-burdened and obscures claims that cannot be understood as resulting from discrete sources of discrimination."This work can be found here: https://chicagounbound.uchicago.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1052&context=uclf
  • Book cover of The Sex Which is Not OneThe Sex Which Is Not One
    "The Sex Which Is Not One" presents the theory behind the idea that the female body exists as an absence, and the sexualities of women only exist in conjunction with the sexualities of men. According to Irigaray, "(Re-)discovering herself, for a woman, thus could only signify the possibility of sacrificing no one of her pleasures to another, of identifying herself with none of them in particular, of never being simply one."This book is available in print through the Davidson College library.
  • Lesbians in Revolt
    In "Lesbians in Revolt," Charlotte Bunch makes the argument that lesbianism is a political choice - only through the conscious decision to avoid men can women fully subvert the ideology of male supremacy. According to Bunch, "Lesbians literally do not need men (even for procreation if the science of cloning is developed)." This essay is significant because it challenges the male definition of lesbianism as an only sexual act and is instead a commitment by women to other women - and to themselves.This book is held in print by the Davidson College library.
  • Racism: Give Davidson a chance
  • Davidson must admit racism exists
  • A frat is not separate but equal - just different
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