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ENG 422: Creating Narratives was a 400-level seminar offered in the fall semester of 2021. In this course, students were invited to explore their interests in student literary publications through hands-on research in the Davidson College Archives. The major project of the course was a half-semester-long collaboration that culminated in the creation of an Omeka S website on a topic of student choice. While this Omeka S website features student writing during the Vietnam war, other projects focused on alcohol, humor, and creative writing. Overall, this revolutionary seminar allowed for students to gain unparalleled experience as researchers and illustrate parts of Davidson’s literary past. 

Caroline C. ’22 was a senior English and Psychology major from Bethesda, MD. During her four years at Davidson, she was involved in Warner Hall House, Planned Parenthood Generation Action, and served on the executive board of Ada Cooks, a community-based youth nutrition program.

Mark A. ‘22 is an English major from Great Falls, Virginia. He has been involved in club tennis on campus.

Casey K. 22’ was a senior English major and Religious Studies minor from New London, North Carolina. While at Davidson, he was a four year member of the Davidson College Varsity Baseball team and enjoyed the time he spent both in the classroom and on the field.