2009: “Playing Hide and Seek” by David M. Palko ’09


Photograph of page 7 of David Palko's "Playing Hide and Seek" showing text and music
2009: “Playing Hide and Seek” by David M. Palko ’09
In 2009, David Palko writes a play for his English honors thesis entitled “Playing Hide and Seek.” This play is performed live on April 6, 2009 in Tyler-Tallman Hall of the Sloan Music Center. The play follows the story of a brother and sister and their father. In Palko’s words, “Unlike a typical domestic drama, however, this story takes place in the psyche, following Ryan [the brother] through a reflective reverie. As a result, the action fluidly fluctuates between memories that can be validated and imagined past events, at times blurring the two” (Palko 42). Music also plays a large role in this production, acting as a “soundtrack to Ryan’s thoughts” (Palko 45). Rona Munro serves as Palko’s reader for this project.
David M Palko
May 2009
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