Belk (Katherine and Tom) Visual Arts Center

The Visual Arts Building was named for: Katherine McKay Belk, Davidson Board of Trustees 1985-86, 1989- , and Tom Belk, class of 1946, Davidson Board of Trustees, 1972-1984.

Katherine and Tom Belk Visual Arts Center 2015

Front of Postcard of the Atrium, Visual Arts Center, Davidson College

Atrium, Visual Arts Center Postcard Front

Dates: Built in 1992-93. Dedicated October 8, 1993. Named September 25,

Quote: The exterior matches the predominant look of campus buildings, red brick with precast trim. Gunn and his colleagues modeled their building on two of Davidson’s oldest and most distinguished buildings, Eumenaean Hall (built in 1849) and Philanthropic Hall (built in 1850). The Visual Arts Building has the same inset square columns, low-peaked roof, arched doorway, stripped-down classical details, and second-story portico. Maschal, Richard. “Seeing Is Believing.” Charlotte Observer. 10 October 1993: F1.

Named for: Katherine McKay Belk, Davidson Board of Trustees 1985-86, 1989- , and Tom Belk, class of 1946, Davidson Board of Trustees, 1972-1984.

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