David S. Baker


1880 census records of David S. Baker. David S. Baker, a 40 year old minister, is listed as head of the household including his wife Hannah, a 38 year old who keeps house, and sons John, age 4, and William, age 2.
1900 census records of David S. Baker. David S. Baker, a 61 year old minister, is listed as head of the household including his wife Hannah, age 50, and sons John, a 24 year old teacher, William, a 21 year old day laborer, and Charles, a 19 year day laborer.
David S. Baker
One of the earliest ministers of the Davidson Presbyterian Church.
c. 1838-1840
Death Date
September 21, 1925
Biographical Text
Rev. Mr. Baker was born in Pennsylvania c. 1838-1840. In 1880, he is listed as living in Davidson with his wife Hannah, who he married in 1874, and his sons John and William. He was one of the earliest ministers of the Davidson Presbyterian Church, which he left in 1892 for another ministry position in Lincolnton. The Davidson College magazine published the following regarding his departure:
"Rev. Mr. Baker, (col) who has been pastor of the colored Presbyterian church here for quite a number of years has accepted a charge at Lincolnton and in the future will make his home there. His removal is quite a loss to the students as he and his family were Davidson's only tailors and they did their work well. We wish him well in his new field and can pay him no better compliment than to say that if all the colored race were as thrifty, as honest, as polite, and as courteous as he, our South-land would have much better prospects before her."
In 1900, he is listed as living in Lincolnton with his wife Hannah and sons John, William, and Charles. He died on September 21, 1925.
Beaty, Mary D. Davidson: A History of the Town from 1835 until 1937. Davidson, NC: Briarpatch Press, 1979, 54.
Blodgett, Jan, and Ralph B Levering. One Town, Many Voices: A History of Davidson, North Carolina. Davidson, NC: Davidson Historical Society, 2012, 73.
“Locals.” The Davidson Monthly 7, no. 4, January 1892.

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