Extracurricular Activities – Political and Social Justice Groups


Flag at half-mast during Charlotte Shootings
Page from the 1965 Quips and Cranks showing the Young Republicans Club
First issue of the Wildcat Republican Published in 1965
First edition of Nota Bene published in 2002
Davidson PIRG Brochure, 1978-79
Housing Guide Entry from Main Street
Headline: Peace Group founded to examine alternatives to war
Just Peace Quips and Cranks page 2005
2003 Davidsonian article on Just Peace’s work
Extracurricular Activities – Political and Social Justice Groups
In the 1970s, a more liberal student body began to emerge out of the New Left movement, noticeable in the growing anti-Vietnam War sentiments that larger and larger groups of students began to embrace (Blodgett 199). Students, facilitated by public interest groups, which worked from a more non-partisan angle, began to speak out more frequently on environmental and consumer-based issues. At the turn of the 21st century, liberal student activism had become an even larger part of life on campus. With the rising conflict in the Middle East, students and faculty began to speak out against the war in Iraq. This belief was afforded by groups like Just Peace, providing a safe space for peaceful discussion. Although Davidson has not been a historically activist campus, it has been involved in political movements and has been a part of nationally evolving social trends.