Minutes 2 May 1907


Minutes 2 May 1907
[Page 1] May 2nd 1907.

We have come to our last Book Club meet- ing of the year & it is with some regret when we think of it but we have the pleasure of looking back upon a de- lightful year’s work. On the afternoon of May 2nd all of the members with our visitors, Mrs. Frank Dupuy & Miss Luke, gathered in Mrs. Martin’s roomy parlor where spring flow- ers were in profusion – old scotch – narcissus, roses etc. After roll call & the reading of the min- utes we listened with pleasure to Miss Young’s paper on Current Events which she said had been prepared in true American style - quick. The thought passed through the retiring Secretary’s mind that Miss Young could write minutes so easily & well. The book for the aft. was Whistler & Others. The time was devoted to Whistler, beginning with a short biographical sketch which Mrs. Worth gave. We learned that
[Page 2] Whistler was born July 1834 & died in 1903. He was the son of Maj. Whist- ler’s 2nd wife, who was Miss McNeil, a southern woman. Mrs. Martin told us some of Whistler’s characteristics which were many and peculiar. He was socially pleas- ant, even fascinating but hard & unsympathetic. He lost a good many of his friends by his un- reasonableness over little things. He was a genius, his etchings being recognized as unusually good. He believed in having a key to his work as in music & this musical feeling goes into all of his works. His mother’s portrait, one of his best, is a symphony in black & grey. It is said to be impossible to copy one of Whistler’s etchings. Mrs. W.R. Grey told of the influence Japanese art had exerted upon Whistler.
[Page 3] Miss Dupuy took up Whistler as a teacher. In ’98 he opened a studio in Paris for pupils. He was Altho’ he was a genius in art he was nothing of a teacher & his school lasted only a short time. However his pupils were his slaves & simply copied him. Mrs. Price gave an account of the $50,000 gallery for the collection of Whistler’s works that Charles Freer of Chicago is to establish. It is to be next to the Smithsonian Institute & the “Peacock room” will be reproduced.
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
2 May 1907
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