Minutes 1 March 1907


Minutes 1 March 1907
[Page 1] March 1st

After being postponed twice, first on account of Junior Speaking and second because of the weather, the club met with Mrs. Dupuy on the first day of March. The weather cer- tainly had mot improved for it was cold with a heavy mist still falling and the streets were almost impassable, but in spite of this seven members were present. We were so glad to get out again that all who were not sick with grippe were there. After being three absent a long time long absences, we were glad to have Mrs. Dupuy and Mrs. Graham with us again also to have Mrs. Haliburton, Miss Graham and Mrs. Lingle. After roll call Mrs. Smith gave four very interesting current events. Some one remarked that as they decreased in quantity they increased in quality. It was true this time at any rate. Her account description of the breaking away of the Colora-
[Page 2] do river from its channel, and the fight that was made to force it back was quite thrilling and made us all want to read the account of it in the last World’s Work. Dr. Luke of the Labrador by Nor- man Duncan was the book for discussion. Miss Dupuy wrote to the publisher for information con- cerning the author and they simply referred her to Mr. Duncan giving his address. She pretended to be almost too bashful to read the letter which she had gotten from “her Norman” as she was pleased to call him, so we were all ex- citement to know what he did say – it was simply this that she could get the information she de- rived from his publishers - Therefore we know no more about Mr. Duncan than we did before except that his handwriting is very peculiar.
[Page 3] Miss Thompson then read a very in- teresting paper which had been pre- pared by Miss Holt, who was absent, telling of what Dr. Grenfell and his brave co-workers of the Deep Sea Mission are doing for the folk of the Labrador. This mission has two stations on the Labrador Coast under the general supervision of Dr. Grenfell; the main station is at Battle Harbour with Dr. Macpherson as resident physician. Dr. Simpson a young English physician and lay missionary is in charge at Indian Harbor. Mrs. Dupuy gave us a most enter- taining resume of a recent book she had read. “The Lure of the Labra- dor.” It is the experience of a young man named Hubbard who is possessed with the pioneering spirit and his friend Wallace. They go into the wilds of Lab. & are accompanied by a half-breed Indian. Their object is for making geographical
[Page 4] research. They mistake their way and have to return without accomplish ing what they went for. They are over- taken by winter and suffer untold privations and hardships. Hubbard finally succumbs to starvation and exposure and is buried in the snow. The others are finally rescu- ed and Wallace is the author of the book. After the criticism of the books we had had the past weeks, we were refreshed by a delicious salad on crisp lettuce leaves, and took our departure feeling that this had been one of the best meetings of the year.
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
1 March 1907
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