Minutes 8 February 1907


Minutes 8 February 1907
[Page 1] On the afternoon of Feb. 8th, eleven members of the Woman’s Book Club gathered in Mrs. Currie’s cozy sitting room where they had a most enjoyable and informal meeting. The Secreta- ry was the only absentee and Mrs. Grey Sr. was asked to serve in her place. We had the pleasure of having as guest Mrs. Kinsom, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Halibur- ton, and Miss Munroe. The roll call was responded to with items of unusual in- terest. Among other things we learned that “Little Dorrit” still lives, and that Greenland was once a tropical country and that before many years it is believed we shall have the wire- less telephone as well as the telegraph. After the reading of the min-
[Page 2] utes, Mrs. Martin told of the six leading events of the week. Congress gave the Child Labor question of “black eye” when they refused to have anything to do with it saying each state must settle that for itself. The Brownsville affair still occupies a prominent place in the papers, while the railroad situation is discouraged by all the magazines. The separation of church and state in France continues to be in the important questions of the day. For the benefit of the theatre - goers she told of the doings of Julia Marlowe, Ellen Leny and others. The book for discussion was “The Long Day” – pronounc- ed by all who have read it, one of the most interest
[Page 3] ing of this year’s series. It was not known until recent- ly who wrote it, but by accident it has been learned that her the author’s name is Dorothy Richardson born and reared in Pa. - Mrs. Currie read a letter from the literary edition of the Book News giving some facts concerning her. She is a journalist and a socialist. The book gives her earlier experiences as a working girl in New York City without home or friends. Her sole idea in writing the book is to help the working girls by providing a well managed home for them and to establish kindergartens for training the little children. Mrs. Martin gave a most entertaining review of the book. After much merry chatter
[Page 4] while we partook of our chocolate and fruit cake, the club adjourned.
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
8 February 1907
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