Minutes 14 January 1907


Minutes 14 January 1907
[Page 1] Jan.14th

Mrs. Worth tried mighty hard to get out of having her meeting – actually left town a few days before the regular time but when she returned she we were glad to hear she had decided to have it on the afternoon of Jan. 14th. After the roll call and the reading of the minutes, a letter of resignation from Mrs. Harrison who had, stating that her health would not permit her meeting with us this winter. The Secretary was authorized to write her a note expressing their Club’s regret at the loss of this valuable member. Mrs. Harrison kindly offered her book, “The Life of Benj. Franklin.” & any who wished to read it. The Current Events were given by Mrs. W.R. Grey after which Mrs. Worth took charge of the meeting. Mrs. Smith was called on to tell some thing about the French Question & she gave us a very clear account of the State of affairs now existing in France. The French Government for years has been under Catholic influence but recently France has thrown off this rigid yoke of Catholicism & has
[Page 2] turned completely against all religions owing to her disgust with Catholicism. The Catholics are always opposed to any republican ideas, being monarchial in their Government. The former Pope Leo. was a broadminded man, easy to get along with by those in power but the present pope, Pius, is very different. He was an unknown man of humble origin & it was thought would be a mere puppet in the hands of the rulers but instead he is hard headed & very bigoted. The Government heretofore has paid the salaries of the Priests & all church expenses but now church & state have separated & will have nothing at all to do with each other. Mrs. Black was so full of her subject, Leopold of Belgium, she made us feel as if we must find out more about this despicable tyrant. He is 72 yrs. old & has led a dreadful life. His greed for wealth has been his chief
[Page 3] fault and all the cruelty among the natives of the Congo is due to this. 15,000,000 lives have been sacrificed to satisfy this great desire to obtain riches. Miss Thompson played delightfully while our hostess was preparing to serve re- freshments. Instead of staying on the piano stool where we wanted her to be, Miss Thompson she took a seat in a rocking chair which could not stand her heavy weight & down came Miss Thomp- son, chair and all - though she still held on to her plate of cream at which we didn’t wonder as it was so delicious.
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
14 January 1907
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