Minutes 14 December 1906


Minutes 14 December 1906
[Page 1] Dec. 14, 1906

It gave pleasure to all of us to know that Mrs. Thompson would have a musical program for her meeting, Dec. 14th. She pre- ferred having it in the eve. but as the babies rule our club & claim their mothers at night she had to have it in the aft. With the bright sunshine shut out by closed blinds, & the lamps lighted, one would have thought it was night, had he not come from out of doors. The Items of Interest & Current Events were omitted but the Secretary was not so fortunate as to be excused from reading the minutes of the last meeting. Miss Thompson chose Mendelssohn for the topic for the meeting. Over the piano hung a large picture of him with the date of his birth & death in green under- neath. Miss Thompson gave a brief sketch of Felix Mendelssohn from which we learned that he belongs to an influential, wealthy family. “His life from the start was one of ease & luxury & nature had bestowed upon
[Page 2] him a fine, noble character & a versatility of gifts.” He was a janitor & a poet as well as a musician. Mendelssohn was a great admirer of Bach’s composition & genius & was the cause of the erection of the Bach Monu- ment at Leipzig. The celebrated Conservatory of Music at Leipzig was founded by Mendelssohn. He traveled extensively, playing before many celebrated people among whom were the late Queen Victoria & the Prince Consort. In March 1835 Mendelssohn was married to Cecile Jeanremand of Frankfort. They lived together happily until his death on Nov. 4, 1847. He had been overworked for several yrs. & the sudden death of his sister Fanny was such a shock he was unable to rally from it. Miss Dupuy told us something about Fanny Mendelssohn. She & her brother were devoted to each other from the time they were children. Their Father gave them the same advantages & they both did well in their studies, espe-
[Page 3] cially music. Fanny composed several of the “Songs Without Words” which were published under her brother’s name. After this account of Fanny Mendelssohn was given, the following program was rendered
Greeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mendelssohn
Mrs. Martin and Miss Minnie Scofield
Sadness and Soul . . . . . . . . . . . . Mendelssohn
Spring Song Mrs. Smith
(2)Mignon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jensen
(1)Murmuring Zephyr . . . . . . . . . . . Guy D’Ardecot
Miss M. Scofield
Dearest Heart Farwell. . . . . . . . . . . Strelezki
Come to me Sweet heart . . . . . . . . . . Bartlett
Mrs. Zimmerman
O, Rest in the Lord . . . . . . . . . . . Mendelssohn
Mrs. Martin
A May Morning . . . . . . . . . Denza
Mrs. Zimmerman
I Would That My Love . . . . . . . . . . . Mendelssohn
Miss M. Scofield & Mrs. C. L. Grey
[Page 4]
Rondo Capriciosso . . . . . . . . . . . Mendelssohn
Miss Hattie Thompson
We were glad to welcome as visitors Mrs. Graham, who is also an Honorary Member, Mrs. Zimmerman, Misses Sadie and Minnie Scofield & Mrs. Wm. Thompson. Upon Mrs. Martin’s suggestion it was decided to give the opinions of the books a more prominent place on our programs as that is an important feature. While refreshments were being enjoyed we were given slips of paper upon which were written sentences containing the initials of some famous composer or musician & we had to guess who it was. This added very much to the pleasure of the evening. As “variety is the spice of life” Miss Thompson’s meeting was enjoyed all the more because she gave us some thing different from our usual programs.
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
14 December 1906
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