Minutes 8 December 1905


Minutes 8 December 1905
[Page 1] Those of us who were fortunate enough to be present at the meeting of the Club Thursday night Dec. 8, with Miss Holt can find it in their hearts to condole with the absent members, who evidently thinking themselves either sugar or salt refused self inducement to venture out into the drenching winter rain. Miss Holt was kind enough to provide the Club with a vehicle both going & coming, and for this attention, as well as for her cordial welcome to her warm parlor we thank her. There was a rich program prepared, but the elements are responsible for only part of the evening’s good things being out before us, as both Mrs. Smith and Miss Neal were both absent, and these two ladies were to have con- tributed to our enjoyment. Seven names ladies answered to the roll call, and as Mrs. Martin who had kindly prepared the Minutes for this occasion was absent, Mrs. Dupuy read acted as Secretary pro-tem. for us has Current Events fell to our gentle voiced President, and need I add that they
[Page 2] were interesting and well chosen, for is not all that we ever commit to her keeping done in her inimitably thorough and refined interesting way? “A Belle of The Fifties” was the book of the evening, and the charming and alluring now seemed to us the doings and sayings the reparti of the much beruffled and behooped ladies of the Pierce and Buchanan days in Washington! In truth we “Dwell in Marble Halls” as we associate with the stately Mrs. Pryor, Mrs. Clay, and Harriet Lane the other noble ladies of the day; we dance high stepping rhythmic minuets with high stocked gentlemen in buckles and wigs at balls at which none other than the Prince of Wales is present, treading the measure like the rest with only the sweet and quiet queenly Harriet Lane by his side. It is a charmed circle verily, bewildering in its charm fascination and we turn our dazed vision aside turning if after all we are in living in our own free and equal republic or at some European Court of pomp & glory. But certainly we have enjoyed heartily turning our eyes backward upon our Country’s earlier history, and we are indebted to “Reminiscences of
[Page 3] Peace and War” and “A Belle of the Fifties” for two very profitable and delightful meetings. We had already been feasted on good things in our program, but that was by no means not all provided on that by our hostess, for the inner man was by no means neglected: and as we sat over our “Ambrosia of the Gods” we pitied audibly those who hugged their cosy corners at home. Later on came our carriage, driven by a kind but unknown person of the masculine gender whose face was hidden from us by the night & its driving rain: we would not have will never know who or what manner of man he was, but we thank both him and Miss Holt for a most novel and delightful evening.
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
8 December 1905
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