Minutes September 1905


Minutes September 1905
[Page 1] 1905-1906

It was the middle of September before the scattered forces of the Club assembled one hot night on Mrs. Smith’s verandah, and by electric light discussed plans for the coming year’s work. Several members were absent even then, but enough were present to allow a most lively discussion over many of the questions before the meeting. Book lists were found incomplete and decidedly debilitated by the summer’s heat but the one thing question that allowed of no discussion was, that we all wanted to elect by acclamation our two new members - Mrs. Worth and Mrs. McConnell, both of whom we now welcome most cordially to our midst. It was then decided to work of over our lists of booksand meet the in a few days to determine what our books were to be; and so a few nights after this we held a larger meeting was held with Mrs. Harrison, at which
[Page 2] meeting a special committee of three four was appointed to finally settle the momentous question and choose from the lists the names of fourteen books. This committee consisted of Mrs. Dupuy, Mrs. Price, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Harrison. Again the question of our autumn election of officers came up, and to our great satisfaction we found that Mrs. Dupuy would serve as President for us, and to our great regret we again found Mrs. Price implacable as to accepting to office of Secretary. After genuine begging on the part of the Club, to which very gently but very firmly Mrs. Price turned a deaf ear, the enviable position was offered to and accepted by Mrs. Harrison. The final Book Committee held divers and sundry meetings, and after careful consideration selected the books now to be distributed: these books we would submit humbly and hopefully for the winter’s perusal of
[Page 3] the Club, only begging that next year we be pleased from what we found so grave quite a responsibility. According to our usual rule the first meeting of the season is held at the home of our in- coming President, and so it is that with much self gratulation we find ourselves this afternoon with Mrs. Dupuy, with Mrs. Pryor’s Reminiscences of Peace and War spread out before us.
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
September 1905
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