Minutes 28 April 1905


Minutes 28 April 1905
[Page 1] No pleasanter afternoon of the Club’s winter could have been furnished than the closing meeting held with Mrs. Price on April 28th. It was a night meeting & here we pause to breathe a sigh that this delightful time for club [cominality] has been ruled out for the future. The evening was mild, making the first thin dresses of early summer appropriate, & Mrs. Winson’s bright rooms never seemed more attractive than when we slipped in, a little late, to find the parlor & hall already comfortably filled with white-gowned femininity. The “rickety” minutes served as excellent foil for the current events which came this time from Miss Lois Neel. She al- ways does the past admirably. The items were full and particularly interesting. The book of the evening was Nancy Stair, by Elinor McCartney Lane, one
[Page 2] of the most popular in the Club. Mrs. Price did herself proud in her review of it. We thot she was quoting from the Outlook, on some equally discrim- inating critic, but until we finally awoke to the realization that the delightful paper to which we had listened was her own. Mrs. Dr. Grey read some selections from Nancy Stair to illustrate certain points brought out by Mrs. Price. Mrs. Lane introduces Robert Burns as one of the characters in her story, an admirer of Nancy Stair, so we could not resist dip- ping into his treasure store. Miss Julia Holt sang one of his familiar ballads. Mrs. C.L. Grey & Miss M.M. Dupuy followed with “Oh wert thou in the Cauld Blast” as a duet. Mrs. Harrison read with beautiful appreciation, & to the delight of all a few, too few, of his short poems. Mrs. Smith gave a brief sketch of his life. Then followed the thrilling excitement
[Page 3] of drawing the books, after which nervous strain Mrs. Price’s delicious refreshments completely revived us. The late hour completely compelled us to say goodnight, in spite of our reluctance to say pronounce the final word which should end the winter’s work and pleasure. J.D.S. Finis Julia Dupuy Smith
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
28 April 1905
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