Minutes 26 October 1904


Minutes 26 October 1904
[Page 1] Minutes of Book Club

The task of selecting our books seemed more than usually difficult this year. Three business meetings were held, & at last weary of the search for attractive books, the ladies turned the thankless job over to a committee who finally completed the list. In electing new officers the club wisely & promptly chose Miss Holt for Pres. And Miss Withers for V. Pres. It was decided best not to repeat last year’s experiment in the secretaryship, but to elect a permanent officer. This decision, quickly made was not so speedily executed. No one was willing to assume these duties. The office was shuttlecocked back & forth, twice refused outright, which unconstitutional proceeding was only allowed o new members, & finally rested on Mrs. Smith’s unhappy shoulders. It is evidently high time some special priv
[Page 2] ilege was accorded their officers-a second help to refreshments or to have our lucky President draw for her at the end of the year. The heaviest blow that could have been dealt our club has fallen in the resignation of our beloved member Mrs. Graham, on the plea of increased household cares this winter. Our pleasure in the good fortune of those forlorn bachelors was quickly turned to mourning & we are half tempted to form ourselves into a matrimonial bureau. The club has sustained another loss in the removal of Mrs. Strohecker from our community. From these losses we turn to welcome with utmost pleasure, threee new members- Mrs. Price, Mrs. McKnight, nd Mrs. C.L. Grey into our circle, congratulating ourselves upon so pleasant an addition to our club. On Oct. 26th the new books ar
[Page 3] rived & without loss of time, we gathered with eager interest at Mrs. Smith’s to scan and distribute them. The Club graciously assigned to Mrs. Dupuy “A Year in Europe” as hers to have and to hold, she having expressed a desire to possess it. The other books were allotted as follows: Miss Holt. By the Fireside. Wagner Mrs. Martin. From Saranac to Marquesas.- “ Grey W.R. The Woman Errant. “ Harrison. Queen’s Quair. “ Sloan. The Silent Places. “ Smith. Cody’s Short Stories. Miss Thompson. The Last Hope. Mrs. Black. The Lightning Conductor. “ Currie. The Ladder of Swords. “ Dupuy . A year in Europe. “ C. L. Grey. Wayfarers in Italy. “ M. Knight. The Givers. “ Price. Nancy Stair. It was necessary at this meeting to elect
[Page 4] a new V. Pres. to succeed Mrs. Withers, who had gone unexpected to the mts. for the winter. Mrs. Sloan was chosen. It was agreed that our meetings hereafter should be held either in the afternoon or evening, as suited the inclination & convenience of the individual hostesses. Mrs. Jno. H. Reid was elected an honorary member & invited, as such, to attend the meetings of the Club. The President requested Mrs. Dupuy to act as Club Critic for the year. Business dispatched, The ladies scattered to hold their first regular meeting with our new Pres. on the evening of Nov. 11th.
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
26 October 1904
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