Minutes 4 December 1903


Minutes 4 December 1903
[Page 1] December 4th 1903 -

On Friday afternoon Dec. 4th the club met with a warm recaption in Mrs. Black’s spacious parlor. There were only eight members present but we had the pleasure of having one visitor. At a quarter to four, the President called the meeting to order by asking Mrs. Dupuy, the Secretary for the aft., to call the roll. As the ladies responded with their items it was noted that Winston Churchill’s new book “The Crossing” is attracting a good deal of attention, also a book gotten out of by Julian Hawthorne entitled “Hawthorne and his Friends.” It has been suggested that there is a place in the newspaper world for a reliable Daily to the published in New York, giving the news in a condensed form for the benefit of busy men
[Page 2] and women. The minutes were read and enjoyed. The President bought to the attention of the Ladies that so far we have neglected to have the “Current Events” given, and the question was raised as to whether that should constitute part of the programme for this year. There was some objection, but it was moved and carried that it should , and Mrs. Black was appointed to give them at the next meeting. “Darrel of the Blessed Isles” by Irving Bacheller was the book for the afternoon and Mrs. Black gave a very interesting sketch of the author’s life. She had a letter from him written from Sound Beach Conn. in which he thanks her and the Club for their interest in his work. He is about forty-five years old, was born in St. Lawrence Oc., N.Y. He gradu-
[Page 3] ated from St. Lawrence University in ’82 and was married the same year. He lives at Sound Beach, Conn. in the summer and in New York City during the winter. He was editor of the New York Sunday “World” when he wrote his first book “Eben Holden.” Since then he has given up newspaper work and devotes his time to novel writing. A thousand words is his average days work. If we may judge from the opinions given of the books read during the last two weeks, the series is an unusually interesting one. The hostess served fruit for refreshments which is always good and acceptable.
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
4 December 1903
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