Minutes 2 October 1903


Minutes 2 October 1903
[Page 1] 1903-1904

The Woman’s Book Club of Davidson was called together the first Friday in Oct. by the retiring Pres., Miss Thompson, for the purpose of selecting books and electing officers for the coming year. By unanimous vote Mrs. Smith was chosen President, Mrs. Currie Vice Pres., and the office of Sec. heretofore having been looked upon so such a burden for one member to bear alone, it was proposed by Mrs. Martin that the honor and burden of the office be shared by the members alike each taking her turn, The proposition met with the hearty approval of the Club-so it falls to the lot of the one so unfortunate as to be the first on the roll, alphabetically, to start the venture, The list of books to select from was not so voluminous as that of the previous year. Authors
[Page 2] seem to be having taking a rest— much needed- judging from the number, and in many cases, the quality of the books in the market a year ago, but in hope, for our future comfort, not resting with a view to doing double work. The books were carefully selected and we hope after the year’s work, at least top be able to adorn our parlor tables. The Club then adjourned to meet again upon the arrival of the books. In what a state of expectancy we awaited the next call, for the distribution of the books, which call came Oct. 21.All the members responded with the exception of Mrs. Harrison, whose “domestic items” were clamoring for attention- Mrs. Sloan and Misses Holt & Withers. At this meeting in becomes our painful duty to record the resignation of one
[Page 3] of the first and most beloved members, Mrs. Graham who leaves us to stand God mother to Club no.2 just coming into existence and feeling the need of a strong arm to lean upon. At the same time we extend a hearty welcome to one new member, Mrs. Stroehecker, and while being No. 13 on the roll, we hope she will not be the unlucky member. The books were drawn for as usual, and the result as follows: List enclosed- After the various expressions of delight or disappointment, as the case might be, the Club adjourned to hold its first regular meeting at the home of the new Pres., Mrs. Smith Nov. 6.
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
2 October 1903
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