Minutes 3 January 1903


Minutes 3 January 1903
[Page 1] Jan. 3rd 1903-

For more reasons than one we might call this the Holiday number. Coming as it did in the holiday season and with the rest (Mrs. Dupuy, our hostess) gave us a rest from regular routine. In spite of recent festivities, which among the more dignified members took the form of hay-rides, peanut hunts and masquerades, there was considerable evidence of serious thought in the sprinkling of an “item” here and there. We do not hold ourselves answerable for the members who arrived too late to be called on, rather a suspicious circumstance. The book for the evening was the Master of Caxton by Hildegard Brooks. Our hostess had made most commendable efforts to gain information about the author with which to enlighten our ignorance
[Page 2] but without avail. Our attention was given to the book, from which Miss Holt read delightfully a fine tribute to the song of our Southland-Dixie. This is conceded to be one of the finest passages in the book. As a whole, the Masters of Caxton is not a book that can merit the hearty endowment of the Southerner as presenting a true picture of southern life and especially of social relations. There are pictures true and acceptable but again and again the discord is struck, the whole jars and we feel that the circumstances portrayed are out of harmony with the people represented. Mrs. Sloan read a review of the book in question and next Mrs. Graham commanded our serious attention to current events. It was very evident that she took no hay rides and attained no distracting festivities, but sat by her
her own fireside and diligently covered all the magazines of importance and gathered to herself all the newspapers possibly attainable. As a natural result of such research she presented us with a valuable commentary on the news of the day. We enjoyed very much the presence of two guests. Miss Leftwitch and Miss Daniels. The opinions of the books was rather a “scattering fire”- but the Holidays and festivities- these of course must be granted a place.
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
3 January 1903
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