Minutes 19 December 1902


Minutes 19 December 1902
[Page 1] December 19th - 1902

The last meeting of the year Was, by special arrangement, held with Mrs. Harrison instead of Mrs. Currie and the sympathy of the club is extended to the two members necessarily absent The current events more furnished by Mrs. Dupuy - such being the case, it gives without saying in our Club that they were newsy and interesting. It was thought best to read our “Constitution and By-Laws. The Pres. requested Mrs. Harrison to read the Resolutions framed on the death of Miss A.G. Neel. The Resolutions were approved; a copy sent the family and recorded in the Minute Book. The members of the club would officially thank Mrs. Harrison for her timely suggestion, and for so ably and beautifully experiencing for them their sense of loss and bereavement.
[Page 2] The meeting was now put in the hands of our hostess who was expected to put in order all chaotic ideas of Henry James’ Wings of a Dove: Miss Harrison spoke first of the author. He is of Eng. ancestry, though born an American, and educated aboard. His whole family show the psychologic tendency, exhibited in a more marked degree in Henry James. He is now 60 yrs, a prolific writer whose later works are not an improvement on his first. She further spoke delightfully of his style and his ambitions, and the many points in which he differs from other writers. His latest book-The Wings of a Dove-is much discussed in many magazines. The first criticism heard was given by Mrs. Grey from The Outlook. There it is spoken of as a work stamped by ability, a study in psychology, improbable and incredible Full of delicate touches though the style is bad or irritating. Miss Holt read us charming excerpt from an article in the Bookman, entitled in Darkest James
[Page 3] It held untold consolations for the members who have wrestled to discern his meanning, to be assured that other “great thinkers” have found it exasperating to have Mr. James say “there you are” just when you have utterly lost yourself. The writer of this thoroughly charming article thinks this last work of Mr. James comes nearer his style in his earlier works than any other. Mrs. Harrison next gave us the cream of an article from The Critic, written by a man who lived with James 24 hours. It is called Apothesis, and expressed well the feeling of many members, in a way that felt proud to recognize. A parody on James’ style from Borrowed Plumes gave keen enjoyment. It was a delicious opportunity for Mr. Owen Seaman, the author, and his story met with an appreciative audience. Those who have read and those who will read Wings of a Dove, feel a debt of gratitude to Mrs. Harrison for the light she gave on the book and the insight to the authors style. It was a meeting that had been anticipated with greatest interest and the realizations gratified in every particular.
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
19 December 1902
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