Minutes 5 December 1902


Minutes 5 December 1902
[Page 1] Dec. 5th

After being house bound by several gray and rainy days the members of the club met each other in Mrs. Black’s parlor Dec. 5th , with more than the usual degree of interest and pleasure. Evidently the rainy days had afforded unusual opportunities for gleaning items of interest. The members fairly bristled with information, and not a single duplicate arose. In the interval for business it was moved by Mrs. Harrison that resolutions on the death of our loved member Miss Alice Neel, be drawn up Mrs. Dupuy, and a copy presented to the family as well as recorded on the minute book. Mrs. Dupuy, strongly desiring to be relieved of the duty, for personal reasons, it was moved and
[Page 2] seconded that Mrs. Harrison prepare the resolutions. No further business being presented, the meeting was put in the hands of our hostess, who had the unusual duty of gathering current events and gaining information about two authors. Miss Hegan and Sir Leslie Stephens. Miss Black proved herself abundantly equal to the occasion, furnishing us with a full quota of interesting current events and much information about the authors. For no reason at all, except it be to save the best for the last, Mrs. Alice Caldwell Hegan was first taken up. Our unsatisfactory letter from her was our only source of information. She seemed to think the most interesting fact about herself was her approaching marriage and unfinished trousseau By some she was pronounced “commonplace,” because of this.
[Page 3] Leslie Stephens, author of our short life of Geo. Eliot, proved a more serious subject. He is one of the foremost English men of letters and because of his contribution to English literature he was knighted this year. At the age of 70 yrs., he is now president of the Ethical Society in London and is much valued for his thorough knowledge of literature, the honesty and simplicity of his character, his cool judgment and candid statement. Mrs. Dupuy was appointed to review the short story of G. Eliot’s life, which she did in a manor thoroughly delightful to the club. We were brought face to face again with the problematic contract between the writings of Geo. E and her course in life, to many for ever unpardonable. An delightful informal talk on the subject arose, and the member of the club, reluctantly rose to say in turn to Mrs. Black that her meeting had been one of the most pleasant in the annals of the club.
[Page 4] Resolutions- In Memory of Alice Grier Neel

At a meeting of the Woman’s Book Club of Davidson N.C. held December fifth 1902, it was moved and unanimously adopted that the following Resolutions be framed upon the death of Miss Alice Grier Neel. Whereas, in the inscrutable Providence of God, He hath seen fit to call one of our number to Himself, transferring one so young, so fair, so promising to a scene of greater usefulness, therefore, be it Resolved, I. That we the members of the Book Club of which she was an honored and beloved member wish collectively and individually to testify to our sense of loss and bereavement.
[Page 5] In Memory of Alice Grier Neel

II. That we miss her unerring literary judgment, her deep poetic insight and love of the beautiful: but most of all do we miss the personal contract with a character so pure, so unselfish, so inspiring. We gratefully thank the Heavenly Father for the privilege we had of knowing her and of walking, if only for a little way, beside her. We will cherish her memory always among us as the breath of a flower too fragrant and too fragile for earth’s rough winds.

III. That we desire to extend our fervent sympathy to the family out of whose house the light has suddenly gone
[Page 6] In Memory of Alice Grier Neel

IV. That a copy of these Resolutions be spread upon our Minutes and another sent to the family of Her whom we loved. December 19th 1902
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
5 December 1902
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