Minutes 21 November 1902


Minutes 21 November 1902
[Page 1] Nov. 21st it fell to the job of Miss Withers to entertain the Book Club. The Beginnings of New England by John Fiske was the book of the evening. With an author who deservedly takes rank among our small company of great writers, it was not a difficult matter for Miss Withers to accumulate. much material of a very interesting nature. In a sketch of his life she told us that John Fiske wast was born in Hartford Conn. The youth of this remarkable man was not less striking for its achievements than his maturity. From infancy he exhibited reachable precosity. He was a prodigious worker from his early youth. He studied 12 hours a day before he was 16 years old and 15 hrs. after that. The outcome
[Page 2] of such labor was an easy command of 17 languages and a contribution to our literature such as no other man of his generation has matched. It extends into the realms of Science Philosophy and History. Miss Dupuy read us extracts from the pens of many famous men of our day, contributors to leading magazines, all testifying the highest appreciation of John Fiske. Mrs. Harrison had the difficult task of discussing an adverse criticism of a man she highly approved – namely Mrs. Van criticism of Fiske’s Dutch & Quaker colony, in which she accuses him of such injustice and error. Needless to say, we felt Mrs. Van R a mistaken critic when Mrs. Harrison concluded. Mrs. Graham, again our guest, enjoyed the distinction of having been in the company of the
[Page 3] distinguished author, and of having heard him lecture. The opinions of the Books read are of a most mild and cautious nature. We confess to missing the spice of the days when one would dare barely denounce the Descendant or courageoulsy defend a favorable chapter in Children of the Mist. The Octopus is said to be Strong,” “The Wings of a Dove” is folded in mystery until Mrs. Harrison shall have explained her favorite author and given the key for an opinion. Mrs. Wiggs in her cabbage patch bids fair to over shadow Stephan’s life of Geo. Eliot. We did not intend any injustice to the memory of Geo. Eliot by placing her side & side with Mrs. Wiggs, and yet hope that some one may rank her first. Miss Withers allows us the unusual honor of three guest. Miss Munroe, Miss Morris and Miss Williams. With due appreciation of the good it had enjoyed-the club adjourned until Dec. 5th to meet with Mrs. Black
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
21 November 1902
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