Minutes 7 November 1902


Minutes 7 November 1902
[Page 1] The first regular meeting of the Book Club was held Nov. 7th with our new president Miss Thompson, as is customary. The members responded to the roll call with items of interest. Mrs. Harrison being the only member absent. She had the sympathy of the club, for the ladies know from past experience that Miss Thompson’s meeting is one to be looked forward to with unmixed pleasure. She was fortunate indeed in having such an attractive subject as Mrs. Nancy Huston Banks and her book Oldfield. In addition to a personal sketch, our indefatigable hostess had a most charming autograph
[Page 2] letter from Mrs. Banks, from which we discovered that she is a Southern woman, some of her remote ancestors being natives of this state. It was especially pleasing to us to learn that she seeks the approval and praise of her own Southland and values it above the praise of all professional critics. Her book has met a cordial reception in England. But Mrs. Banks assures us that what ever success her books may win, belongs to the South. Miss Holt read us a criticism on Oldfield from Hamilton Mabie. He calls it our Arcadian story, not devoid of tragedy, but in relief from the metallic tragedy of the Modern novel. As Miss Thompson
[Page 3] read to us briefly from Oldfield many of us were reminded of the quaint, [ ] and beautiful touches in ""Crawford"", and each felt that there was a pleasure in store for her when Oldfield should fall to her lot. It was noted that the opinions and criticisms of the new books were, on the whole, much more favorable than we have ever been reported at a first meeting. Inspite of the opinion of Hamilton Mabie who said. “In every season it is wise to read three or four old books to every new one, but this season it is best to read ten old books to one new, so few are the books of real value in this season 1902. No business before the meeting. We enjoyed having Miss Graham of Winchester, Va. as our guest. After refreshments for which Miss Thompson also has an enviable reputation, the club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Withers on 17th.
Women-North Carolina-Davidson-Societies and clubs.
Books and reading.
Women-Societies and clubs.
North Carolina-Davidson.
BookLovers Club
Davidson College
7 November 1902
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