The Davidsonian


The editorial staff of the Davidsonian posed outside of their office located in Oak Row
The staff of The Davidsonian sets type for the next week’s issue
The 1922 banner graphic for The Davidsonian honors Old Chambers with a picture of the building before it burned down in 1921
Cartoon found in the April 25, 1986 issue of the Davidsonian regarding the impending Ku Klux Klan march
Davidsonian Advertisement from 1991 that reads "Participate in Solidarity Week!"
Solidarity Celebration overshadows Klan march article from May 2 1986 The Davidsonian.
article from the Davidsonian 1952 titled, "Oldtimer Recalls Wildcat's Origins"
The Davidsonian
On March 18, 1914, the Davidson College student body voted on and approved the creation of a collegiate newspaper that would report on the campus and local community events and issues.