
1229 items

  • Rusk members and guests enjoy Rusk’s famous hospitality
  • Dean Rusk
  • A clip from the 1989 catalog showing two of the first Russian courses offered at Davidson.
  • Ruth Pittard
  • Sandifer, Myron '43
  • Myron Sandifer’s senior photo
  • Photo of the sign at the corner of Main Street and Concord Road, which says "Davidson College, a liberal arts college for Men, Founded 1837 by Presbyterians"; Sandra May '73 is standing next to the sign, holding a hand-made sign which says "and women."
  • Omar Ibn Sayyid
  • Scripts N' Pranks Cover from November 1936
  • Sengel, William Randolph '46
  • Senior Class Poem – 1909
  • Senior Class Poem – 1913
  • Senior Class Poem – 1916
  • Senior Class Poem – 1921
  • Senior Class Poem – 1937
  • Sentelle Hall
  • Painting of Ms. Shaw
  • Shearer Hall