
1229 items

  • Harding House
  • Hasty, Rev. Charles
  • Headline from December 1977 Davidsonian article
documenting instance of freshmen revolt against hazing in 1903.
  • The front of the Henderson boarding house in 1987
  • Andrew Dousa Hepburn
  • D.H Hill Problem
  • Albert Miller Hillhouse
  • Hispanic Studies Department
  • Listing of history courses in 1910
  • According to the Davidsonian, “Hobart Park lies between Jackson Court and the football stadium. It contains shrubs and flowers Mr. Hobart planted and picnic tables and an oven provided by the college.”
  • A literary magazine started in December 1978, Hobart Park was originally published three times a year by students, but it is now published in the spring of each year.
  • The cover of the Hobart Park issue published on May 12, 1980. It features a black and white fire hydrant in grass.
  • The cover of the 1990 Spring issue of Hobart Park, with the words Hobart Park in the top left corner and a close-up black, white, and grey drawing of a jester with a lute
  • The cover of the 2000 Hobart Park is plain black with the title in white text at the top left of the page.  There is also a large "hp" on the bottom right, also in white text. The text at the bottom of the page reads "davidson college - 2000".
  • Cover of the 2010 Hobart Park magazine
  • The cover of the 2020 Hobart Park features a colorful face covered by two hands with eyes still visible
  • President Martin, Home-
coming Queen Kenny McArter, and Cadet Col. Linton Wray ’62 at the 1961 Homecoming football game.
  • Davidson College students learn about the Honor Code